Category Archives: Uncategorized

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The EU Gets This One

Google and other heavyweights from the U.S. are going to complain about this new E.U. data privacy law, but I think that Europe is way, way ahead of us on this one. On Jan. 25, EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding … Continue reading

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Super Bowl Sunday

After a fun dinner & drinks with my friend Sibilla last night (thanks Sibilla!) I managed to force myself to sleep in until 10 o’clock this morning, then pulled on my warmest clothes for the chilly walk to Albert Heijn … Continue reading

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Water Net Rondezvous

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NGC 1073

From the Hubble, still producing amazing shots like this:

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Skating on Keizersgracht

Taken on the way to grocery shopping this morning …

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Sheep need a Holy Hand Grenade

Because that rabbit is ferocious!

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Cobham Hilton

20 minute drive from Heathrow, site of our Thurs-Fri classes this week.  Waiting for my This is the advantage viagra cheapest of the online pharmacies. Vitamin C – This ingredient is a heavy price of viagra pills drinker soon … Continue reading

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Deja Brr

Great, Amsterdam got snowed under and froze while I was gone!  Also, order levitra without prescription Cardiac disorders could be an outcome of hormonal imbalance. It is discount viagra sale necessary to find all the possible homeopathic solutions online Online … Continue reading

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