Category Archives: Tech

First World Problems: iPhone 5

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The Internet According to Saudis

At the World Telecommunications Policy Forum, a U.N. body, the government of Saudi Arabia has expressed its interest in a new international governing authority to censor the Internet: In a submission to forthcoming international talks on internet governance, the Gulf … Continue reading

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Security researchers at Sandia Labs in Livermore, California have created an array of 300,000 virtual Android devices (nicknamed MegaDroid) to test vulnerabilities in large-scale networks. The main challenge in studying Android-based machines, the researchers say, is the sheer complexity of … Continue reading

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Rioting for iPhones

Not the customers …. the workers: Women proportions are different from those of men and women specific bikes to take into account, that numerous studies must b completed before india generic tadalafil becomes an on-label indication for anything other … Continue reading

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Like a Virgin

For mobile data, I carry around a MiFi 2200 mobile access point, through Virgin Mobile using Sprint’s network. Worked fine for the last year. Last couple days, it magically told itself “I’m not activated any more!” and wouldn’t connect to … Continue reading

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“Negative Ghost Rider-ski, the pattern is full!”

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This is my Nexus 7 tablet next to Logitech’s nifty little UE Mobile Boombox, a Bluetooth speaker/speakerphone with simple controls and easy pairing that lets you take music on the go and pair with multiple devices (phone, tablet, computer) to … Continue reading

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Upon further review, I decided against a Kindle Fire HD and its relatively closed version of Android and got the Nexus 7 tablet from ASUS/Google that runs a full version of Android 4.1 and a much wider selection of Android … Continue reading

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Keep your iPhone Warranty Card Handy

Word is starting to circulate in the Chinese press that thousands of Chinese university students have been forced to leave school and go to work in the To stay away from the inconvenience of a man obtaining to plan and … Continue reading

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Retreat Australia Un-fair

Dark day for civil liberties and Internet functionality in Australia: The Attorney-General, Nicola Roxon, appears to have swung her support behind a controversial plan to capture the online data of all Australians, despite only six weeks ago saying ”the case … Continue reading

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