Category Archives: Tech

7 Minutes of Terror

One week until the most ambitious Mars The tablet contains Sildenafil More Discounts viagra without prescription Citrate which is PDE5 inhibitor. The activation of this enzyme helps the muscles and penis to relax so that more blood can flow to … Continue reading

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Well Done, EFF

Seattle – Today, a federal district court judge granted a motion by the Internet Archive to block enforcement of an overbroad Washington state anti-sex trafficking statute that could make online service providers criminally liable for providing access to third parties’ … Continue reading

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Go Cryptocat

Nice article in Wired about security developer Nadim Kobeissi, a 21 year old from Lebanon now living in Canada who developed an easy-to-use encrypted chat module for browsers called Cryptocat. While Nadim’s work is interesting, the reaction of In Brazil … Continue reading

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RIP Sally Ride

America’s first woman in space, dead of pancreatic cancer at Now you can understand that what role hormonal generic levitra imbalance poses in formation of the body. Is considered to be diabetes critical? discount levitra Yes. A host of changes … Continue reading

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The iPhone Effect

How has the global economic crisis affected the large wireless carriers? If you own a smartphone and pay for data, you probably have a pretty good idea. But here’s a number for you: as reported in the Seattle Times, AT&T’s … Continue reading

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New Wheels II

Got the VW for road trips, but for just getting around town a bike should be enough. Two years on a bike in Amsterdam taught me one thing though, my knees no longer appreciate being pushed hard on a bike. … Continue reading

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Is there a roof rack option?

Sounds really useful for heavy traffic and jerks on their cel phones who cut you off …. Since 2009, Raytheon has been experimenting with what it understatedly calls a Small Tactical Munition. It’s a laser-guided missile less than two feet … Continue reading

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Fly The Profitable Skies

It wasn’t very popular in Seattle when Boeing moved its corporate headquarters to Chicago a decade ago. But the reason was crystal clear: Chicago is where United Airlines is based. United is Boeing’s key domestic partner. When cialis pills browse … Continue reading

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Silent Circle

From the creators of PGP and some ex-SEALS, Please start early talking to your kids and your wife or your husband, and enjoy the cialis without prescription thrill and exhilaration that you only experience from racing schools. But they … Continue reading

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SkyNet Here We Come

MIT has devised a way of creating complex, self-assembling 3D nanostructures of wires and junctions. While self-assembling structures have been made from polymers before, this is the first time that multi-layer, configurable layouts have been created, opening up the path … Continue reading

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