Category Archives: Tech

New Office

Moved all the computer gear into the 2nd bedroom/office today. It’s ALMOST the way I want it now … still need to get a wider and shallower viagra usa price In most cases, people believe that relying on painkillers … Continue reading

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Take It Back

Good opinion piece by Bruce Schneier at The Guardian on how “government and levitra generic cialis This maintains a more youthful appearance of a person. on line levitra Your doctor might prescribe you Tadalafil for treating erectile dysfunction. Regular appointments … Continue reading

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There Is No Security

Well, that’s it for the U.S. security industry, we’re toast. The cat is out of the bag … there is no such thing as secure communication, guys like Microsoft have been in on crippling it for years, and nobody in … Continue reading

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Abandon Facebook

If enough people read this, it might really tip the balance in getting adults to leave. From Facebook’s upcoming privacy policy revision: “Our goal is to deliver advertising and other commercial or sponsored content that is valuable to our users … Continue reading

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I could pretend to be surprised …

… but not very convincingly: The US National Security Agency (NSA) successfully cracked the encryption code protecting the United Nations’ internal videoconferencing system, according to documents seen by Germany’s Der Spiegel. The United States was not just busy spying on … Continue reading

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“You know, if the drones bother you …”

We still have other options. The Air Force is spending about $12 billion to modernize the remaining fleet of the venerable B-52 bomber (there are guys flying it now whose GRANDFATHERS flew it) to keep it as a vital part … Continue reading

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Error 451

This, my friends, is genius: To fend off the chilling effects of heavy-handed internet restriction, the UK consumer rights organization Open Rights Group wants to create a new version of the “404 Page Not Found” error message, called “451 unavailable,” … Continue reading

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“That it should come to this!”

A man using the British Library’s wi-fi network was denied access to an online version of Shakespeare’s Hamlet because the text contained “violent content”. Author Mark Forsyth was writing his book in the library, and needed to check a line … Continue reading

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Let’s Be Careful Out There

Geeze, the crap some hackers pull … A respected US-based internet security expert says he has foiled an attempt to frame him as a heroin dealer. Brian Krebs says the administrator of a Russian cybercrime forum hatched a plan to … Continue reading

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Advertisers Don’t Like Firefox’s New Privacy Initiatives

Too bad! When Mozilla announced a plan to improve its system, it didn’t seem like the kind of thing that would make waves. But it didn’t take long for the Internet advertising industry to react — furiously. The Digital Advertising … Continue reading

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