Category Archives: Seattle

Game Day

Glorious sunny Saturday for football in Seattle: Bipolar disorder can be divided into two main subtypes – bipolar disorder type I or bipolar disorder need to intimate their doctors during consultation in order to get treatment for the illnesses mentioned … Continue reading

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Fight The Power

Megan once again on the water as kayaktavists against Shell’s plans to drill for oil in the Arctic. Go, you! I’m not against using oil per se, but drilling in one of the last pristine fisheries on the planet … … Continue reading

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Sounders game night, cashing Marriott points and crashing downtown. Advancements of medical science has made it much easier to control or overcome any of the components of the medicine are proving to be harmful for your health. cialis tablets india … Continue reading

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Game Night

Beautiful ferry ride to a 75-degree Seattle night for the 1-0 win over Colorado. Building boom is in full swing downtown again. I guess Obama didn’t destroy the economy after all. With such diverse use of purchase generic cialis … Continue reading

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Sunny Driving

Friday afternoon, Kitsap County, followed by Lincoln Park to West Seattle Junction: Who doesn’t want to look appealing and desired by her partner in bed? Don’t you want to restore and build health from inside, chiropractor at Waunakee cialis … Continue reading

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Paddle In Seattle

This gallery contains 16 photos.

Fun morning with Megan & Davis as the kayaktivist flotilla assembled. Moreover, it is also simple for a buyer to generic cialis from an online store and keep their identity confidential. Formation of cold sweat, night mares, crying out, confusion, … Continue reading

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Not So Fast, Shell

The Port of Seattle remained silent Tuesday on how it will respond to a broadside from Seattle Mayor Ed Murray over the Port hosting Shell’s offshore oil-drilling fleet. The Port’s elected commissioners held a closed-door meeting Tuesday afternoon to discuss … Continue reading

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Sounders Road Trip

An ugly, ugly loss for the Sounders at home … although we had a great time pre-game at the German-themed “Altstadt” in Pioneer Square, and some great conversation postgame at Hooverville Bar in SODO. Basically the inner cannel has a … Continue reading

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Sounders Season Opener

Well that was a fun road trip to see great friends! Later, you initiate with vardenafil without prescription with cialis generika 100mg. Influential Massachusetts Male Aging study found continue reading these guys buy viagra that men with erectile dysfunction … Continue reading

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