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Friday Sunset, Saturday Dawn

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Saturday Project – Broth Bones

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We Don’t Get To Do This


Australia’s remote Northern Territory (NT) will keep its borders closed to coronavirus-affected states for at least another 18 months, officials say.

Australia is battling a second wave in its south-east, with about 8,000 active cases in Melbourne and smaller clusters in Sydney.

But elsewhere around the country, the virus has effectively been eliminated.
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Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said interstate travel restrictions will likely persist until Christmas.

Last week, Queensland re-closed its borders to New South Wales – which includes Sydney – and the Australian Capital Territory.

BBC Coverage

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For Europe, That’s Big

The Spanish region of Galicia has effectively banned smoking in public places over concerns it increases the risk of Covid-19 transmission.

It has issued a blanket ban on smoking in the street and in public places, such as restaurants and bars, if social distancing is not possible.

The north-western region is the first to introduce such a measure, although others are considering following suit.

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Daily cases have risen from fewer than 150 in June to more than 1,500 throughout August. It recorded 1,690 new cases in the latest daily count on Wednesday, bringing the country’s total to almost 330,000.

BBC Coverage

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Delivery Guessing Game

New computer shipped out of Nashville this morning. Following the FedEx tracking. First estimate was Friday, current estimate is Tuesday, so I’m tracking it day by day to see when I should really be ready for it.

They made good progress from 7 am this morning to 7 pm tonight:

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Day 2, already in Wyoming:

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Widgeon Return

The goose family has departed … the Widgeon Fleet is returning …

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Monday Boats

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