Ancient Words

The farmer labors long in the field and is bitten by gnats. Each day he bends his weary back to the mud to tend the crop. The builder strains to lift stones and breathes the dust of his hammer; his hands are dirty and cut. The soldier carries great loads slung around his neck, like that of an ass. He thirsts and hungers and is beset by enemies. Be therefore a scribe, and lift nothing heavier than a stylus. The Pharoah shall seek your advice, and reward you with wealth and slaves. cialis 20 mg I have girls coming to me fearing pregnancy (and some really are pregnant). Moreover, many studies and clinical trials back the cheap cialis effectiveness of these chemotherapy alternatives. Though this scenario is not your only explanation for wholesale viagra pills running a relationship in successful manner. Another big doubt many users have is when to take orden 50mg viagra ? You can take this jelly along with loads of water.
Inscription from the rule of Amenemhet IV, 12th Dynasty Middle Kingdom

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