Sharing In Our Genes?

An intriguing study published this week suggests that bonobos, among the closest relatives to humans, are surprisingly willing to hand over food to a pal. But they didn’t share tools.

The discovery adds a new wrinkle to scientists’ efforts to understand the evolutionary origins of people’s unusual propensity to help others.

“One of the things that is really striking about humans is how cooperative or helpful we are,” says Christopher Krupenye, an evolutionary anthropologist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. “It’s just a really pervasive element of our behavior.”

“We gave one individual several nuts, and the other individual several stones. And we wanted to see whether they would help each other out,” says Krupenye. “Either of them could transfer their surplus resources to help their partner.”

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But they did consistently share nuts — even though they could have easily kept the nuts for themselves. And that’s very different than what’s observed among chimpanzees, the researchers report Tuesday in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

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I think they need further research. Maybe they didn’t share the stones because of who it was. “That’s Stan, he never returns my tools!”

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