New Computer Again

Looks like a lot of indoor no-travel time coming this winter, so I bit the bullet and upgraded to a new home gaming computer. I’d waited a year to do it, and I sure saved a lot of money by not traveling this summer, so I waited for Dell to have an outlet sale on their Alienware gaming systems at their Outlet store, and when a 7% discount off the regular Outlet price came along, I jumped on a system with the configuration I’d been scouting for a while.

9th-gen i7 processor, Nvidia 2080 Super graphics card, 256 gig SSD for the operating system with a 2 TB hard drive for data files, 16 gigs of RAM I’ll probably figure out how to upgrade someday. Now all the fun of moving files across from the laptop I’d been using as my primary computer … which is certainly a lot easier in the days of a USB 3.1 external SSD instead of floppy disks!
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