Layered Security

Read an article today about Swiss engineers developing a relatively inexpensive Anti-WiFi Wallpaper.

What looks like a bog standard wallpaper roll actually contains silver particles that allows it to filter out up to three different frequencies simultaneously. It is not the first time that such a technology has surfaced. Back in 2004, BAE Systems was tasked by Ofcom to come up with a similar solution based on what was then called a stealth wallpaper.

It used copper instead of silver and blocked Wi-Fi signals while letting GSM, 4G and emergency calls through. Back then though, a square meter cost £500 whereas the Wi-Fi wallpaper devised by the French researchers should be priced reasonably, with costs matching those of a “classic”, mid-range wallpaper according to M. Lemaître-Auger, from Grenoble INP.

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You can put up all the firewalls you want, but internal WAPs are a recurrent source of vulnerability in networks. This could become a basic feature of future offices that care about security.

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