Stop Killing Rhinos

Nice article in BBC Science about Prince William’s endorsement of the Aspinali Project, which is working to oppose the extinction of the rhinoceros in Africa. People continue to slaughter these incredible animals because their horn is worth up to $30,000 a pound on the black market because of the medieval belief in large parts of Asia that powdered rhino horn is a cure for everything from baldness to cancer. Way to leap into the 21st century there, China!

“These guys are prehistoric looking. They are the most incredible things and do we really want to live in a world 20, 30 years down the line where there’s no such thing as a ‘big five’ [elephants, lions, rhino, cape buffalo and leopard]?” he said.

“It’ll be the big four, then possibly the big three and then where do we go after that?
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“Are our grandchildren ever going to be able to see the big five? I think that’s terribly sad and that should never happen.”

William, Duke of Cambridge

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