NBC Gives America the Finger






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As usual, the media found something to be shocked, shocked about in the Super Bowl halftime show, with rapper M.I.A. (we should all be so lucky) offering the camera a middle-finger salute during Madonna’s 20 minute ode to overproduction and lip synching.

Wow, football fans have never seen anyone give us the finger, that was truly shocking.

The real problem with Super Bowl halftime shows is that they are completely driven by corporate old-media vertical integratio­n strategies­. NBC-Univer­sal-Megaco­rp pushes one of their artists for half an hour to try to recoup some of the ungodly costs of the broadcast rights. You get the feeling last night was something Madonna talked Jack Donaghy into while they were both getting a skin peel and smoking cigars at his club.

I mean get with the 21st century, NFL … at halftime link us to half a dozen half-hour shows around America streaming in HD and let us choose which one to listen to, with a real selection of currently popular or promising artists in Austin, Seattle, New Orleans, Memphis, etc. … not just the darling of an L.A. or N.Y. megacorpor­ation.

Meanwhile, Madonna’s “provocative” show wasn’t anything she hasn’t shown us a thousand times before … just with a little more of a limp than it had 20 years ago. 20 minutes of Catrinel Menghia reading the phone book would have been sexier:

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