Shark Net

Great article at the BBC about a California project to track shark migrations using a self-propelled water drone that detects data from tagged sharks and relays it to researchers via satellite. The team has created a Shark Net app that lets laymen access the tracking data and other information about the shark research. Information Tech at its finest.

The bright yellow shark-tracking robot designed by the company consists of two parts – a glider that descends 23ft (7m) down into the ocean with a surfboard above.

The glider has a special wing system that converts wave energy into forward thrust to keep the robot moving through the water. It also has a receiver that picks up the audio signals from the sharks’ electronic tags.
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The surfboard carries the rest of the scientific instruments, including the satellite link that allows researchers to accurately pinpoint the animals’ locations.

When a shark or other tagged animal encounters the robot, their position is recorded and relayed back to the research team.

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