Waterless World

Great BBC Article that makes it clear why Washington State should fight, tooth and nail, to keep from ever exporting our water to California. So they can burn through a trillion gallons a year to provide China with almonds? FUCK … THAT … NOISE!

Getting on for a million acres are now given over to almond trees, and such is the nurturing nature of California’s Mediterranean climate that this state now accounts for more than 80% of the global supply.

The problem is that California’s entire almond crop commands a stunning 1.1 trillion gallons of water every single year.
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That’s twice as much as it takes to grow cotton or tomatoes, and enough – I am reliably informed – for you or me to take a 10-minute shower every day for the next 86 million years.

Added to which, it’s not as if this nutty elixir is being produced to satisfy local demand. Nearly 70% of the almonds produced in California are for export. And where do most of them end up? China.

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