Cinderella Redone, Not Remade

Branagh directing, Blanchett, Bonham Carter, Lily James … yeah, I’ll see the new Cinderella at some point.

Directed by Sir Kenneth Branagh, Cinderella is a live-action version of Disney’s classic 1950 animation that has taken $70m (£43.1m) on its opening weekend in the United States.

Yet this adaptation is completely faithful to the traditional story – including wicked stepmother, fairy godmother, glass slipper, handsome prince and happy ending.
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British actress Lily James, best known as Lady Rose from ITV’s Downton Abbey, stars as Cinderella. Cate Blanchett plays the stepmother and Helena Bonham Carter is the fairy godmother.

“Keeping it classic is the twist,” says Branagh, who started his directing career in 1989 with his adaptation of Shakespeare’s Henry V.

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