Clean Tech, German-style

Really interesting stuff!

German car manufacturer Audi says it has created the “fuel of the future” made solely from water, carbon dioxide and renewable sources.

The synthetic “e-diesel” was made following a commissioning phase of just four months at a plant in Dresden, Germany.

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Germany’s federal minister of education and research, Dr Johanna Wanka, said she has already used the fuel in her Audi A8, while the company hopes the Dresden factory, operated by clean tech company Sunfire, will produce 160 litres of it every day in the coming months.

“This synthetic diesel, made using CO2, is a huge success for our sustainability research,” Wanka said. “If we can make widespread use of CO2 as a raw material, we will make a crucial contribution to climate protection and the efficient use of resources, and put the fundamentals of the ‘green economy’ in place.”

International Business Times U.K.

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