Greek Tragedy

In an ominous sign Sunday that Greece is speeding toward a banking collapse, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced that Greek banks will be closed Monday amid last-ditch discussions about his nation’s economic future.

A decision to close banks on Monday was a sign that Greece’s half-decade battle to stay on the shared euro currency may swiftly be coming to an end. ATMs in Athens were running out of money, and tensions were running high Sunday as Greeks stood in line for hours to scrape together petty cash for basic supplies. Lines mounted at gas stations as worried residents topped off their tanks for what could be a period of time in a cashless nation.

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Tragic, but it took a generation of lies and corruption from Greek governments to get here. Blaming the rest of Europe for the pain of austerity is like blaming your oncologist for chemo sucking, instead of admitting you smoked 3 packs a day for 30 years.

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