Syria Isn’t Nam

Plenty of media hyperbole today with information coming out that the U.S. is sending up to 50 Special Forces personnel into Syria.

This is barely news, people. It’s been Obama’s policy to leave Special Forces in the region as we withdrew from Iraq all along, for strikes on Jihadist targets of opportunity. Here it is. These 50 guys are going in to coordinate airstrikes by the F-15s and A-10s just deployed to Incirlik, Turkey.

That doesn’t make this like Nam … it makes it like the Balkans campaign against Milosevic. We didn’t end up with 50,000 guys on the ground then, we aren’t going to now.
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Whose side are we on? The side of the only Islamic woman getting to drop bombs on ISIS, Major Mariam al Mansouri of the United Arab Emirates. Her undergraduate degree: English literature.


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