Careful now, China

As the BBC reported, a massive and dispersed Denial of Service attack took down the U.S.-based Chinese language Boxun website, which had been reporting on the prosecution of former Party darling Bo Xilai in China.

Boxun’s original webhost,, told the Associated Press news agency that the hack was one of the biggest in the company’s history.

It reportedly followed an emailed threat that it would be attacked if it did not disable the site.

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There isn’t the slightest doubt it was China’s security service. An Information Cold War has been going on between China and the West for years, but this is not Cold War … this is damaging the infrastructure of a sovereign state, and an actual Act of War, China. This is really dangerous stuff to be playing around with, because as Fred Thompson so famously said in The Hunt for Red October: “This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.”

Knock it off, China.

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